Why Choose Wax over Razors?

Why Choose Wax over Razors?

A group of women lying down at the beach in a row with their legs in the air

Why Choose Wax over Razors?

Thinking back, your first hair removal experience was probably with a razor, and you’ve probably continued to use razors regularly since then. No hard feelings from our end. Razors are convenient and they can get the job done with little effort. Though razors may seem like the best option, other methods exist with benefits worth exploring further. For example, whereas waxing takes slightly longer than shaving, the fact that you won’t have to think about waxing for up to 4 weeks means you will likely spend less time and money in the long run. Interested? Read on to learn about more practical reasons for why waxing could be your preferred choice:

1. Waxed hairs grow back softer than shaved ones*

This is because waxed hairs are removed from the root, rather than just cut away, so they grow back without the hard, ridged edges that you can get with shaving. It’s those edges that give that sharp scratchy texture after just a short time of growth, so avoiding the shaving process can give you results that last longer.

*Applies to our range of Veet® cold wax strips.

2. Ingrown hairs

This is something that can happen with any form of hair removal, but it’s especially common with shaving. A person is more prone to undergrowth if they shave against the grain, so shaving in the direction of the grain is preferred. The sharp ends of the hairs tunnel into the skin instead of growing out of it, which at best can be seen as “undergrowth” – dark dots under the skin – and at worst can manifest itself as shaving rash, leaving angry red and bumpy patches of skin.

3. Waxed hairs grow back finer over time

There is an old wives’ tale that waxing can make hair grow back thicker, which is simply not true. If it was, we might see a lot more men in salons getting the tops of their heads waxed! The reason for this myth might be that waxing pulls out even very short hairs so that after a few waxing sessions, all of the hairs might be on the same growth cycle and growing longer together. (This is a good thing, as it guarantees you’ll get them all every time!) The fact is that when it comes to epilation, the act of pulling out these hairs from the roots can actually weaken them, meaning that hairs will grow back finer over time. Regardless of the advantages and disadvantages of certain hair removal methods, it’s always important to choose the best option for you. Everyone’s body reacts slightly differently to different treatments, so try out different techniques before you settle on one. Weigh out the pros and cons, and check out our Veet® Professional™ Wax Strips, For Legs & Body, Sensitive Skin, With Almond Oil, 40 ct** or Veet® PURE Cold Wax Strips for Legs & Body 40 ct**, which are easy to use – even for beginners, to get a better idea of what options are out there. Beautifully smooth skin is within reach.

**Ensure this product is right for you. Always read and follow product label.